Well, i was tagged to write seven random things about myself so here is goes!
1- I love comfy clothes, pajamas, sweats, etc. Sometimes, I like them just a little too much. At one point and time I had 76 pairs of pajama pants but, don't worry I only have like 7 now.
2- Most of my friends are older than 75. I work at a nursing home and I love it! Old people are the best! Especially, the ones that are a tad confused. Just the other day I was helping a lady get in the shower and she said, "I only want a paleontologist to take care of me." I couldn't help but laugh.
3- Around 10:30/11 PM I get this strange want to talk about everything i can possibly think of. Cameron will agree that after he's been asleep for about 15 minutes I wake him up with my useless chatter.
4- I scare extremely easy and I'm super jumpy. Cameron scares me everyday just by walking into the room I was in or lots of times when he comes through the front door and i'm sitting on our couch I jump because will it was unexpected. Just the other day I was at the mall and walked into a store that was darker tan normal and the music was really loud and walked into another section and a worker was folding clothes and well he scared me. HAHA but it does always make out for a good laugh!
5- I have a strong testimony of the Gospel My heavenly father leads in me in everything I do, I am so grateful for all the blessings He has given unto me.
6- I struggle with making simple everyday decisions, such as what should we have for dinner, or what movie should we rent. Yesterday Cameron and I celebrated that I chose what to make for dinner and what to do after dinner, it was an accomplishment.
7- I don't like my food to touch. Buffets are really hard for me because I don't want my food to touch on my plate so I end getting for 4 plates and people probably think I'm a fatty-fat kid eating all the food but really I just don't want my food to touch so I can' fit as much on my plate.
There ya go, 7 random things about me!
I shall tag, Mom, Melanie, and Jame!