Cameron: "Hey Cass, I have something to tell you."
I was feeling a little nervous because he had never acted like this before.
Cassidy: "What is it? Are you ok?"
Cameron: "I'm going to grow out my hair, and there's nothing you can do about."
At first I was a little shocked because this was not what I expected. Then, I thought to myself "no way," I'm positive that Cameron will get sick of his hair soon enough and eventually he will cut it. At this point all I can say is, "Boy, was I wrong!"
February '09
May '09
October '09
November '09
January '10
Since Cameron's hair is curly, these photos don't really show all of the growth that has actually happened. Here's one I took today to emphasize how long his hair actually is...
Cameron also said that I couldn't post this blog unless I put up a photo of his ankle. This injury happened on Wednesday during ward basketball. Long story short, a guy took a cheap shot at Cam and now his ankle is pretty messed up.
May '09
October '09
November '09
January '10
Since Cameron's hair is curly, these photos don't really show all of the growth that has actually happened. Here's one I took today to emphasize how long his hair actually is...
Cameron also said that I couldn't post this blog unless I put up a photo of his ankle. This injury happened on Wednesday during ward basketball. Long story short, a guy took a cheap shot at Cam and now his ankle is pretty messed up.