Those of you who are close to Cameron know that he is a drummer and he loves it! He marched in a drum line during high school, and at the University of Utah, as well as in a drum corp, which is basically a professional marching band. Well, every year there is a Drum Corp competition in Ogden, and we were able to attend the show this year with our friends Chuck and Heather and their little one, Andy. It was so much fun and I was amazed at how loud and intense all the corps were. I was a loser and didn't take very many photos but at least I took some right?
Here is the Vanguard Snare line.
Heather covering Andy's ears, he was such a good sport!
We also had multiple Family reunions! Cameron's parents and brother, Clayton flew in and we made the drive up North to the This is the Place monument and park. This reunion had all of Cameron's cousins, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as well as great aunts and uncles on his Dad's side. We rode on the train, made candles and arrowhead necklaces, and we enjoyed a overall nice day outside!
Me, Alisha, and Susan with our matching shirts, the boys were party poopers and wouldn't join in on the fun...
Cameron making his candle.
Alisha, Clayton, and I with our pioneer hats on.
For the rest of the week just the Cook side came down to St. George and stayed at Cameron's Uncle Shawn's and Aunt Geraldine's Condo. We went up to Zion, went swimming at the washington rec center, had a big BBQ, went swimming at the condo, went to ancestor square and played on the splash pad, played many games and went swimming at the condo again. basically we ate and went swimming. It was lots of fun and I was very glad to finally meet most of Cameron's "Cook-side" cousins! My camera freaked out during all the fun so I wasn't able to take too many photos but here are a few!
Sydney and Olivia in the Splash pad.
Living in St. George we have the opportunity to go on some sweet hikes that are close to our house. Our most recent one was to Kannara Creek. It was lots of fun and extremely pretty!
Dan and Cam cooling off in the River.
Brittnie and I before entering the Slot Canyon.
Cameron and I giving a thumbs-up to the Water fall.
And last but surely not least, Cameron taking a shower...
We also went to San Diego over the 24th of July but I don't have all the pictures of that trip and this post is already way too long, so I will have to post about that later! Sorry for the novel like post!!
Goodness you guys have been all over the place! Ah, to be young and footloose and fancy free. BTW, I don't think that a giant bumble bee on Clayton's head really counts as a pioneer hat!
All that fun and nothing with your mommy. JK :* haha
Those were some good times! Summer seems to go by too fast. At least we still have arizona. We need to plan a sweet camping trip before we are all in nursing school! Cya guys around. And I think the bumble bee hat would be authentic if it had a feather in it or something.
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